Do you struggle with your emotions?

Sometimes you can get stuck in a seemingly endless rut and you can't imagine life without your constant stresses, worries and burdens.

It's not your fault.

Your energy affects you more than you know - from your physical health, to the emotions you feel, and down to the clarity of your mind.

You've never learned how to access and influence this unseen force and probably wouldn't know that there are ways to improve it yourself.

But I can tell you that it is truly possible.

I didn't always life a happy life; in fact, it was quite the opposite and I didn't feel that I would ever smile again.

After learning about energy and how to improve the patterns that were holding me back, I now feel better than I even have in my entire life!

I'd love to show you how you can do the same.

What's Included:

The Pūr Energy Life Group Energy Mastery & Energy Healing (Online) is an intensive 7-week transformational programme designed to help you to take back control over your emotions so that you can re-discover who you are and feel empowered to create a happier and more fulfilling life.

Along with the course, you also get SEVEN Pranic Healing sessions - one for each week of the 49-Day course. These sessions are 75 minutes in duration and will include Deep Emotional Healing, a Physical Immunity Healing & Boost, as well as some time to discuss your progress and key learning points. Please note that this is not a therapy session where we talk about your problems, but a way to help you move forward in a positive way - the energetic way!

Included in the Program:

🌟 SEVEN Pranic Healing sessions (each 75 minutes in duration)

🌟 The ENERGY MASTERY COURSE  (online), complete with: SIX course modules plus ONE BONUS summary module, totalling:

🌟 SEVEN video lessons, each on a core concept of energy

🌟 SEVEN relaxing guided meditations (one for each week)

🌟 PDF downloads for a Summary, Action Steps and Worksheet for each module

🌟 A Bonus video "How to Get the Most out of Your Meditations"

🌟 You will also receive for free, CHOOSE HAPPINESS, my eBook on Limiting Beliefs

🌟 An ENERGY CHECKLIST to keep you on track

This is to help make it as easy as possible for you to keep on going with what you've learned after you've finished the program.

🌟 NEW! Daily 5-minute breathing exercises (audio) to help you to slow down and incorporate a better breathing pattern that helps to maximise your energy

🌟 NEW! A digital copy of my book Start Small Change Big - 49 Days of Positive Affirmations for a Healthy Mind 

🌟 NEW! Positive affirmations each day within the course that follows my book Start Small Change Big🌟 - repetition is key!

🌟 And as my special gift to you, you will also receive a free one-year BRONZE MEMBERSHIP! This includes a personal invitation to join my Monthly Live Online Meditation and Deep Emotional Healing Sessions to help you to maintain and further accelerate your progress.

Additional Support

You can also book additional Pranic Healing or mindset coaching sessions during the program - this depends fully on your own personal circumstances and the severity of your condition. During the program, we can gauge your progress and then decide whether or not this is necessary, however, most people should not need more than what is offered in this Transformational Program. Any further sessions booked will be charged at the discounted rate.

And remember, for any of my clients and/or those who purchase the ENERGY MASTERY COURSE, you will be invited to my BRONZE MEMBERSHIP where you can join in on my monthly group sessions for free.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Energy Mastery

    2. How to get the most out of your meditations

    1. Video Lesson: Perception is Reality

    2. Learn to Feel Energy

    1. Weekly Breathing Video

    2. Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

    1. Daily Breathing Exercise & Affirmation

    2. Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

    1. Daily Breathing Exercise & Affirmation

    2. Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

    1. Daily Breathing Exercise & Affirmation

    2. Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

About this course

  • £595.00
  • 114 lessons


Hear what others have to say after completing the Group Healing Programme

49-Day Energy Mastery Transformational Program


You will receive SEVEN weekly Pranic Healing sessions, 75-minutes in duration each that include a Deep Emotional Healing, a Physical Healing and mindset coaching to help you to relate the course for your own individual circumstances.

You also get the ENERGY MASTERY COURSE complete with SIX + ONE BONUS modules!

Enrol today and you will also receive my

FREE eBOOK included in your course bundle.

CHOOSE HAPPINESS will open your eyes to show you that you have control over your health and happiness!

Learn how to identify the limiting beliefs that hold you back and replace these with ones that EMPOWER you.

Your life will never be the same!

Discover your true potential and start living a happier and healthier life!

Contact me today and start your journey to better health and happiness


  • Can I purchase the Energy Mastery Course on its own?

    Yes - the Energy Mastery Course was created to help you to understand how energy works, therefore allowing you to take back control of your life by being empowered and not feeling like a victim. I've designed it so that it's simple and easy to understand, including short exercises you can do to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • How much time do I need to follow the program properly?

    The course is 49 days long, or 7 weeks. Each week, you will need to allocate no more than an hour to watch my weekly video module and breathing instructions. The videos are kept short and simple, and full of my real life examples so that you can relate. I've also included PDF handouts so you can use these to reflect on your own life and what the concepts mean to you. Aside from the weekly commitments, you will also have daily commitments to do a 5-minute breathing exercise and a short guided meditation (ranging from 10 to 20 minutes depending on the week you're on).

  • What if I can't stick to the program?

    Don't worry - I've had plenty of experiences where I enrol on a course with the best intentions to complete it, and I don't. But this is a transformational journey that we will be on together. Our weekly healing sessions will coincide with the weekly modules of the course, so this will help motivate you to stay on track. Remember that you need to prioritise YOU, so no matter how life gets busy and hectic, it's time to 'unlearn' your current ways of thinking and take back control of your health and happiness!

  • Will I need additional Pranic Healing sessions?

    This totally depends on you and how much support you feel you need. If you have circumstances where you need more than this transformational program, then please reach out to me and we can work out a schedule that will suit you.