How to get the most out of your meditations

Do you want to maximise the energy you get from your meditations? In this video, you will learn how posture and breathing affect you, and therefore maximise the many benefits you will get from doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Things you may experience during meditation

It's important to understand the experiences you may have during meditation, especially if you are doing these regularly. This video is to give you some knowledge of common experiences people have and that these are completely normal. With this information, you can sink deeper into your meditations to enhance your experiences for the goal of achieving ultimate bliss!

Learn how to feel energy

Have you ever tried to 'feel' energy? I always talk about this invisible force, but it's also possible to learn how to feel it for yourself. Everyone can do it, so when you start to feel it, you can truly understand how 'real' energy is!

Mental Physics - The 8 Spiritual Breaths

as adapted by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Do you want to maximise the energy you get from your meditations? In this video, you will learn how posture and breathing affect you, and therefore maximise the many benefits you will get from doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Intention Candles

How to manifest your wishes and desires

In this video, you will learn the fundamental components to start manifesting the life of your dreams! I use the intention candles I make for my example, but you can also use these principles throughout your daily life.